Sunday, September 11, 2005

Why this blog?

Are you mad as hell and not going to take it any more?

Are you absolutely STUNNED at all of the incompetence in government?

Do you want to send a message to the power structure?

The easiest way to do so is simply to Vote Against Incumbents.

That's right. Every time you Vote Against an Incumbent, you send a message that you are not satisfied with the way things are. Conversely, if you choose to support an incumbent, you are sending a message that you are, indeed, happy and content.

Are you?

I didn't think so.

Please be assured that they pay attention to the number of votes against an incumbent. And, if enough people do this, (s)he's out.

Of course, the new guy/gal will also screw up, but then you can just vote against him/her in the next election.

And if it's an open seat, consider voting against the incumbent party. You can choose the level of government (Federal, State or local) or just vote against the party that previously controlled the office. [You may have voted FOR this challenger before.]

That's it.
