Friday, May 21, 2010

Rand Paul: Senator from Somalia?

Kentucky Republicans, supported by the Tea Party movement, sent a decisive message to Sen. Mitch McConnell [R-KY] and the Kentucky and Washington, D.C., political establishments by choosing Rand Paul as their nominee for Senate.

Of course, only now is the MSM actually paying attention to Rand Paul and his libertarian political philosophy, specifically with respect to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. So, we have Kentucky Republicans to thank for catching the MSM asleep at the switch!

Comment: If Rand Paul were a real Libertarian, long ago he would have moved to Somalia, which has no government and is the one land of pure freedom on this Earth.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Senator from Arkansas: Democratic Primary: So far, so good

Over half of Arkansas Democratic Primary voters do NOT want the incumbent, Senator Blanche Lincoln, as their nominee for another term. She's in a June 8 runoff with Lieutenant Governor Bill Halter.

The political establishment, in Arkansas and in Washington, D.C., is already paying attention.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Senator from Pennsylvania: Democratic Primary: Well done!

Pennsylvania Democrats have spoken, and they Voted Against the Incumbent. Well done!

It's quite clear from all the commentary that the political establishment, in Pennsylvania as well as Washington, D.C., is clearly listening.

Thank you, Pennsylvania Democrats, for taking full advantage of your one opportunity to communicate effectively with Our Government.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

PA Senate: Specter v. Sestak: Upset coming?

We understand that the final polls show the race tied at 44% each with 11% undecided.

If you're a Pennsylvania Democrat and want to send a message to the establishment, both statewide and in Washington, D.C., well, now's your chance. Here's Joe Sestak's website.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Incumbents Watch: Who's Next to Go?

Politico starts with Senator Bob Bennett [R-Utah], dumped by his party convention, and continues with Rep. Alan Mollohan [D-WV] and Rep. Jim Matheson [D-Utah], whose own party convention forced him into a runoff.

The article is a great read for anyone who cares about the future of America.